From PC5271 wiki
A common temperature sensor is a Thermistor, which is a device with a temperature-dependent resistance and a negative temperature coefficient (NTC), i.e., the Resistance decreases with temperature, or . Therefore, thermistors are sometime referenced as NTC sensors.
Their resistances can be described by a Steinhardt-Hart equation, which relates resistance R and absolute temperature T:
Usually, the coefficients are not specified in a data sheet of a device. More commonly, three things are quoted/specified:
- Reference temperature, typically 25 Celsius; sometimes this is not even mentioned explicitly
- Resistance R0 at the reference temperature (typically 25 Celsius). Often, R0=10kΩ.
- Characteristic of the exponential, the constant B=1/b in the above expression. Typically around 4000 Kelvin.
These parameters can be used with a simplified Steinhart-Hart equation, which assumes c=0 in the expression above. Then, the equation becomes
The absoute temperature then can be obtained by inverting the equation above: